De GeuzentempelStatue of Albrecht RodenbachSint-AmandskerkGrauwzusterskloosterCityhall of RoeselareGrote MarktAugustijnenkerkSint-MichielskerkCanal Roeselare–Leie

De Historische Schatten Van Roeselare

An audio guided tour by Jenny Multilingual, The Tourist

Welcome to Roeselare! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 9 stops on a route of 1.93km. This tour focusses mainly on general tourism.

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Tour Sights 📸

De Geuzentempel

De GeuzentempelChurch

A georiented zaalkerk building made of red brick with arduin and white sandstone trim, featuring a later-added bell tower and a stone above the round-arched entrance with a relief of the Bible and cross.

Statue of Albrecht Rodenbach

Statue of Albrecht RodenbachStatue

A bronze statue of Albrecht Rodenbach, a champion of the Flemish movement, stands on the De Coninckplein, where he releases a seagull in reference to his 1875 song "Blauwvoet", designed by Jules Lagae in 1909.



A 19th-century Neo-Romanic church building in Roeselare, consecrated to St. Amandus, which served as a hulpkerk or auxiliary church and was built due to the growth of the city from 1850.



A monastery and school complex in Roeselare, comprising several buildings, including a 16th-century hostel with Gothic façade, a chapel, and cloister cells, with architectural styles ranging from late Gothic to Art Deco.

Cityhall of Roeselare

Cityhall of RoeselareBelfry

The Cityhall of Roeselare is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999, recognized for its typical features of medieval power of Flemish cities, despite being built in 1924. The belfry combines historic value with modern architecture.

Grote Markt

Grote MarktSight

A grand place, the Grote Markt is the central square in Roeselare, featuring important streets such as Noordstraat, Zuidstraat, and Botermarkt. The square is surrounded by historic buildings, including the Stadhuis, belfort, and Grauwzustersklooster.



A baroque abbey church built from 1725 to 1749, featuring a one-aisled layout and a crypt with graves of Augustijnen. The church's interior has undergone several renovations, including restorations after a fire in 1918.



A late Gothic church built in 1504, reconstructed after a fire, featuring a 65-meter-tall tower and home to one of West Flanders' largest organs. The church also houses a klokkentorenmuseum and numerous art pieces, including paintings and a baroque pulpit.

Canal Roeselare–Leie

Canal Roeselare–LeieSight

A 16.5-kilometer-long artificial waterway connecting the town of Roeselare to the river Leie in West Flanders, Belgium.

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
22 min
Average Rating
🇧🇪 (nl-BE)
Cityhall of Roeselare

Cityhall of Roeselare


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