Commanderie Saint-Jacques du Haut-PasÉglise Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-PasCouvent des Jacobins de la rue Saint-JacquesChapelle Sainte-Ursule de la SorbonneMonument to Auguste ComteCordeliers ConventThéodore de Banvillefontaine de LédaMedici FountainL'Acteur grecLuxembourg Palacefontaine PalatineSaint-Sulpicefontaine Saint-Sulpice

Parijse Verborgen Schatten: Een Wandeling Door Kunst & Geschiedenis

An audio guided tour by Ryan Multilingual, The Artist

Welcome to Paris! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 14 stops on a route of 2.77km. This tour focusses mainly on arts & Culture.

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Tour Sights 📸

Commanderie Saint-Jacques du Haut-Pas
Sight A former monastery and hospice of the Order of San Giacomo di Altopascio, established to provide spiritual and material support to pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela. The site housed a hospital, hospice, and later a veteran care facility, before being converted into a seminary, institute for the deaf, and finally the current National Institute for Young Deaf People.
Commanderie Saint-Jacques du Haut-Pas
Église Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas
Church A Roman Catholic parish church in Paris, France, named after Saint-Jacques Du-Haut-Pas, a cousin of Christ and the first bishop of Jerusalem. The church was completed in 1685 and features architectural styles such as Flamboyant Gothic and Baroque.
Église Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas
Couvent des Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques
Sight A destroyed convent, the Couvent des Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques was a Dominican monastery in Paris that was founded in 1217 and suppressed in 1790, with its buildings demolished between 1800 and 1849.
Couvent des Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques
Chapelle Sainte-Ursule de la Sorbonne
Church A Roman Catholic chapel rebuilt in the 17th century by order of Cardinal Richelieu, featuring architecture by Jacques Lemercier and decorations by Philippe de Champaigne and François Girardon.
Chapelle Sainte-Ursule de la Sorbonne
Monument to Auguste Comte
Sight A sculpture of Auguste Comte, a French philosopher, mathematician, and writer who formulated the doctrine of positivism, stands on the Place de la Sorbonne, featuring a bust of Comte surrounded by two figures: Clotilde de Vaux and a reading figure.
Monument to Auguste Comte
Cordeliers Convent
Sight A Franciscan friary, the Cordeliers Convent in Paris, built in the 13th century, served as a school of theology, care center, and church, hosting the Club of the Cordeliers during the French Revolution and later the Dupuytren Museum of anatomy.
Cordeliers Convent
Théodore de Banville
Sight A white marble bust of Théodore de Banville sits atop a pedestal on a base, with steps resembling an altar, representing the poet as a torso-naked figure with a drapery on his shoulder.
Théodore de Banville
fontaine de Léda
Sight A Parisian sculptural wall fountain built between 1806-1808, designed by Achille Valois, depicting the legend of Leda and the Swan with a central bas-relief panel featuring the mythological scene.
fontaine de Léda
Medici Fountain
Sight A monumental fountain commissioned by Marie de' Medici, built around 1630, featuring statues of mythological figures and a grotto, with a rich history of modifications and restorations since the 17th century.
Medici Fountain
L'Acteur grec
Sight A bronze sculpture created by Charles-Arthur Bourgeois in 1868, L'Acteur grec represents an ancient Greek actor declaiming his text, holding a manuscript in his left hand and wearing a raised mask on his forehead and a sheepskin around his loins.
L'Acteur grec

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
34 min
Average Rating
🇧🇪 (nl-BE)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight L'Acteur grec to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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