Rue des ÉlusAncien hôpital st-MarcoulReims Opera HouseRue Tronson-DucoudrayLabyrinth of the Reims CathedralRue Robert de CoucyReims CathedralAncienne église st-Michel de ReimsPlace RoyaleImmeuble, 11 place RoyaleMusée Le VergeurPlace du Forum ReimsCryptoportique de ReimsRue de TambourSous-préfecture de ReimsHôtel de Ville, ReimsPlace Jules-LobetFontaine des BoucheriesCours Jean-Baptiste Langletancienne église st-Pierre le vieil

Revelations in Reims: A Historical And Cultural Tour

An audio guided tour by Ryan Multilingual, The History Buff

Welcome to Reims! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 20 stops on a route of 1.76km. This tour focusses mainly on history.

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Tour Sights 📸

Rue des Élus
Sight A historic street in Reims, known as "Vicus judeorumm" or "rue des Juifs" in the 12th century, united with "rue de l'Hermitage" in 1841 under the name "Rue des Élus".
Rue des Élus
Ancien hôpital st-Marcoul
Former Hospital A former hospital in Reims, France, with a rich history dating back to the 17th century. It was initially established to care for patients with scrofula, and later expanded to provide a range of medical services.
Ancien hôpital st-Marcoul
Reims Opera House
Sight A historic opera house built in 1873 with architecture inspired by the Paris Opera House, featuring opulent ornamentation on the theme of music and the lyric arts.
Reims Opera House
Rue Tronson-Ducoudray
Sight A street in Reims that passes between the Palais de justice and the Opéra de Reims, named after Guillaume Alexandre Tronson du Coudray, who defended Marie-Antoinette.
Rue Tronson-Ducoudray
Labyrinth of the Reims Cathedral
Sight A church labyrinth made of soft stone, featuring depictions of the cathedral's master masons, is located at the Reims Cathedral. The intricate design, 10 meters square, was a symbol of the rise of Christ at Calvary and was used for pilgrimages and to win indulgences.
Labyrinth of the Reims Cathedral
Rue Robert de Coucy
Rue Robert de Coucy
Reims Cathedral
Sight A Gothic cathedral in Reims, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and traditionally the coronation site of French monarchs. Its 13th-century north rose window depicts biblical Creation, and its travertine stones are adorned with intricate sculptures and gargoyles.
Reims Cathedral
Ancienne église st-Michel de Reims
Church A partially destroyed 20th-century church, the Ancienne église st-Michel de Reims, was the chapel of the Reims Cathedral Chapter, with only the entrance portal preserved after World War I and officially classified as a historic monument since 1920.
Ancienne église st-Michel de Reims
Place Royale
Sight A bronze statue of King Louis XV stands at the center of Place Royale, commissioned by the city from sculptor Jean-Baptiste Pigalle and inaugurated in 1765.
Place Royale
Immeuble, 11 place Royale
Immeuble, 11 place Royale

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
22 min
Average Rating
🇺🇸 (en-US)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight Reims Cathedral to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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