Saint GeorgeSaint LukeSant'AndreaSan RuffilloNorth Doors of the Florence BaptisteryPorta della MandorlaBadia FiorentinaPerseus with the Head of Medusa

The Renaissance Glory: A Walking Tour Through Historic Firenze

An audio guided tour by Jenny Multilingual, The History Buff

Welcome to Firenze! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 8 stops on a route of 1.56km. This tour focusses mainly on history.

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Tour Sights 📸

Saint George
Statue A marble sculpture of Saint George, crafted by Donatello, depicts the knight as a young, brave, and determined man in armor, originally holding a blade and wearing a helmet or wreath. His face conveys anxiety and emotion as he prepares to slay the dragon.
Saint George
Saint Luke
Sight A 2.73 m high bronze statue of Luke the Evangelist by Giambologna, commissioned by the Arte dei Giudici e Notai and completed in 1597–1602. One of a cycle of fourteen commissioned by Florence's guilds for Orsanmichele's external niches, now housed in the Museo di Orsanmichele.
Saint Luke
Sight A destroyed church in Florence, Italy.
San Ruffillo
Sight A destroyed church in Florence, Italy, formerly known as San Ruffillo or San Raffaele al Vescovo, which dates back to 1077. It was once a prominent parochial church with a distinctive entrance on piazza dell'Olio.
San Ruffillo
North Doors of the Florence Baptistery
Sight North Doors of the Florence Baptistery: A church portal created by Lorenzo Ghiberti, with the help of his father and other assistants, featuring nine relieves depicting scenes from the Sacrifice of Isaac, completed in 1424 after 21 years of work.
North Doors of the Florence Baptistery
Porta della Mandorla
Sight A decorative sculpture on the façade of Florence Cathedral, the Porta della Mandorla features reliefs and statues depicting scenes from the Bible, including the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and showcases classical aesthetic influences.
Porta della Mandorla
Badia Fiorentina
Sight An abbey and church home to the Monastic Communities of Jerusalem, situated on the Via del Proconsolo in Florence, Italy. Established in 978 by Countess Willa, it was a Benedictine institution with a hospital founded in 1071.
Badia Fiorentina
Perseus with the Head of Medusa
Statue A bronze sculpture depicting Perseus, a naked figure with raised hand holding the head of Medusa, is a masterpiece by Benvenuto Cellini, created between 1545-1554. The sculpture stands on a square base with relief panels illustrating the story of Perseus and Andromeda.
Perseus with the Head of Medusa

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
20 min
Average Rating
🇺🇸 (en-US)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight San Ruffillo to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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