Verona ArenaPalazzo dei diamantiJuliet's HousePalazzo della RagioneTorre dei LambertiDomus MercatorumGalleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Fortipiazza delle ErbePalazzo MaffeiSan MatteoPorta BorsariSanto LorenzoBevilacqua PalacePalazzo MuselliPalazzo CanossaArco dei GaviPortoni della BraMuseo Lapidario MaffeianoGran Guardiapiazza Bra

Verona: Echoes Through Time - A Historical Odyssey

An audio guided tour by Charles the Historian, The Tourist

Welcome to Verona! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 20 stops on a route of 2.02km. This tour focusses mainly on general tourism.

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Tour Sights 📸

Verona Arena
Opera House A Roman amphitheatre built in 30 AD, still used today for large-scale opera performances with a maximum capacity of 22,000 people. It is one of the best-preserved ancient structures of its kind and hosts summer seasons of opera from June to August.
Verona Arena
Palazzo dei diamanti
Sight A palace built in 1582, Palazzo dei Diamanti features a unique diamond-shaped façade and was originally a noble residence, later hosting the Académie Filotima and eventually becoming the seat of the Société Municipale de Gestion des Bâtiments.
Palazzo dei diamanti
Juliet's House
Sight A 12th-century palazzo museum, Casa di Giulietta, is a romantic spot where visitors can admire a reconstituted balcony and explore exhibits featuring the history of Romeo and Juliet. The museum is a popular tourist attraction, especially among couples looking to seal their love forever.
Juliet's House
Palazzo della Ragione
Sight The Palazzo della Ragione is a historic palace in Vérone, Italy, that has served various institutions and functions over the centuries, including as a seat of justice, a marketplace, and an art gallery.
Palazzo della Ragione
Torre dei Lamberti
Sight A 84 m high tower in Verona, Italy, with a 800-year history, featuring Romanesque style architecture, brick, and white marble, and is the tallest building in the city.
Torre dei Lamberti
Domus Mercatorum
Sight A medieval palace, built in 1210, originally housed the Casa dei Mercanti, the guild of Verona's merchants, and later became the seat of the Banca Popolare di Verona. The palace was rebuilt in stone in 1301 and features a portico, mullioned windows, and merlons.
Domus Mercatorum
Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti
Sight A museum of modern art, Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti, features a broad collection of works by Italian and international artists from the 20th century to the present, with a focus on XXVIII and the avant-garde movements.
Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti
piazza delle Erbe
Sight A historic square once serving as the town's forum during the Roman Empire, now featuring numerous ancient and Baroque buildings, including Palazzo Maffei and the Torre dei Lamberti, as well as a fountain and various monuments.
piazza delle Erbe
Palazzo Maffei
Museum A Baroque-style palace with a three-floor façade, featuring ornate details such as Ionic semicolumns, large masks, and six statues of divinities on the balustrade.
Palazzo Maffei
San Matteo
Sight A former Roman Catholic church in Verona, Italy, dedicated to Matthew the Apostle, built on the site of a Roman temple of Janus, and now houses a restaurant and pizzeria.
San Matteo

About this Tour ℹ

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Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight Verona Arena to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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