Grafmonument Cornelis Johannes van DoornJan Albregt's tombGrafmonument van Ookawa KitarooSpelende kinderen van BolhuisPiet van Nek's tombAngel of DeathGrave of Ed. HoornikGraven van de GeallieerdenGrafmonument van Willem BreukerDe Nieuwe Ooster-ToegangAmsterdam New Eastern CemeteryTeken (Marianne van den Heuvel)WW II resistance monumentOneindigheid

Historische Verkenningstocht door Diemen

An audio guided tour by Jenny Multilingual, The Architect

Welcome to Diemen! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 14 stops on a route of 2.63km. This tour focusses mainly on architecture.

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Tour Sights 📸

Grafmonument Cornelis Johannes van Doorn
Statue A statue of Cornelis van Doorn, a Dutch engineer, located in Amsterdam-Oost, commemorating his life and work, especially in Japan, where he designed a water network in Koriyama. The monument features a urn with Van Doorn's ashes.
Grafmonument Cornelis Johannes van Doorn
Jan Albregt's tomb
Sight Jan Albregt's tomb is a natural stone monument featuring a rectangular base, a frieze with acroteria, and a standing stone depicting a mourning muse in high relief.
Jan Albregt's tomb
Grafmonument van Ookawa Kitaroo
Statue A monument dedicated to Japanner Kitarō Ōkawa, commemorating his life and legacy. The statue is a replica of the original monument planted for 250 guilders in 1866.
Grafmonument van Ookawa Kitaroo
Spelende kinderen van Bolhuis
Sight A group of sculptures, "Spelende kinderen van Bolhuis", created by Gerrit Bolhuis, features four bronze angel figures posed and dressed as children, standing on six sandstone pedestals, symbolizing a "symphony of life".
Spelende kinderen van Bolhuis
Piet van Nek's tomb
Sight Piet van Nek's tomb is a grave monument featuring a standing stone with relief, a lying slab with inscription, and simple fencing with short pillars. The relief depicts Van Nek standing beside his stayersfiets, flanked by figures representing Roem and De Dood.
Piet van Nek's tomb
Angel of Death
Angel of Death
Grave of Ed. Hoornik
Grave of Ed. Hoornik
Graven van de Geallieerden
Graven van de Geallieerden
Grafmonument van Willem Breuker
Grafmonument van Willem Breuker
De Nieuwe Ooster-Toegang
De Nieuwe Ooster-Toegang

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
32 min
Average Rating
🇧🇪 (nl-BE)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight Oneindigheid to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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