National Museum in WarsawOstrogski PalaceFryderyk Chopin MuseumKazimierz PalaceRoyal Castle in WarsawSt. John's ArchcathedralJesuit ChurchMały PowstaniecSaxon PalaceTomb of the Unknown Soldier, WarsawNożyk SynagogueWarsaw Financial CenterInterContinental WarsawZłota 44Złote TarasyCentral TowerWarsaw Central railway stationMuseum of Evolution of Polish Academy of SciencesPalace of Culture and ScienceWarsaw

Warsaw Reborn: A Tale of History & Modernity

An audio guided tour by Ryan Multilingual, The Tourist

Welcome to Warszawa! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 20 stops on a route of 9.90km. This tour focusses mainly on general tourism.

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Tour Sights 📸

National Museum in Warsaw
Sight A national museum showcasing Polish and foreign art from antiquity to the present, with a collection of over 830,000 exhibits, including paintings, sculptures, and coins, as well as objects of applied art and design.
National Museum in Warsaw
Ostrogski Palace
Sight A 17th-century fortified mansion in the city center, formerly the seat of the powerful Ostrogski family, now housing the Fryderyk Chopin Society and the Fryderyk Chopin Museum.
Ostrogski Palace
Fryderyk Chopin Museum
Sight A biographical museum dedicated to Polish composer Frédéric Chopin, established in 1954 and operated by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute. It covers Chopin's history and works through original manuscripts, photographs, sculptures, and letters.
Fryderyk Chopin Museum
Kazimierz Palace
Sight A palace built in 1637-41 as a villa suburbana in the mannerist-early Baroque style, designed by Giovanni Trevano, featuring a loggia, gardens, and sculptures, and later rebuilt twice after destruction during wars.
Kazimierz Palace
Royal Castle in Warsaw
Sight A state museum and national historical monument, the Royal Castle in Warsaw formerly served as the official royal residence of several Polish monarchs. It holds a significant collection of Polish and European art, including works by renowned artists such as Rembrandt and Peter Paul Rubens.
Royal Castle in Warsaw
St. John's Archcathedral
Sight A cathedral, also an archcathedral, with Brick Gothic architecture, serving as a coronation and burial site for the Dukes of Masovia and other notable figures, including Polish monarchs, composers, and writers.
St. John's Archcathedral
Jesuit Church
Sight A Jesuit Church, also known as Church of the Gracious Mother of God, is an ornate baroque church featuring a Mannerist facade and interior with preserved fragments of tomb monuments, sculptures, and a painting of Our Lady of Grace.
Jesuit Church
Mały Powstaniec
Statue A bronze statue of a young boy holding a submachine gun, wearing a helmet too large for his head, commemorating the child soldiers who fought and died during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
Mały Powstaniec
Saxon Palace
Sight A destroyed palace complex in Warsaw, Poland, built in the 18th century and previously housing the Polish General Staff and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Saxon Palace
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw
Sight A national monument dedicated to unknown Polish soldiers who have given their lives for Poland, housing the unidentified body of a young soldier who fell during the Defence of Lwów.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
119 min
Average Rating
🇺🇸 (en-US)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight Central Tower to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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