Sous-préfecture de ReimsPlace Jules-LobetFontaine des BoucheriesAncien Collège des Jésuites de ReimsHôtel de Ville, ReimsPlace du Forum ReimsCryptoportique de ReimsMusée Le VergeurImmeuble, 15 place RoyalePlace RoyalePorte de la cour du chapitreAncien hôpital st-MarcoulRue Tronson-DucoudrayReims Opera House

Reims: Kroniek & Champagne - Een Historische Ontdekkingsreis

An audio guided tour by Ryan Multilingual, The Tourist

Welcome to Reims! On this GPS guided audio tour, we will visit 14 stops on a route of 1.49km. This tour focusses mainly on general tourism.

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Tour Sights 📸

Sous-préfecture de Reims
Sight A custom house, the Sous-préfecture de Reims, is a historic building in Reims, France, housing the sub-prefecture of the Marne department, with a façade and toiture listed as a monument historique since 1953.
Sous-préfecture de Reims
Place Jules-Lobet
Sight A small square, created in 1925, features trees, benches, and the historic Fountain of the Butchers.
Place Jules-Lobet
Fontaine des Boucheries
Sight A historic fountain built in 1770 in the courtyard of the market of boucheries, initially serving as an animal slaughter site. It was relocated in 1935 and again in 2009 due to urban development, and has since been restored and preserved as a monument historique.
Fontaine des Boucheries
Ancien Collège des Jésuites de Reims
Sight A 16th century building founded by Jesuits in 1608, it served as the College of Reims, offering Humanities, Philosophy, and Mathematics education. The complex, featuring Baroque art and a historic staircase, has been a historic monument since 1933.
Ancien Collège des Jésuites de Reims
Hôtel de Ville, Reims
Sight A historic town hall, the Hôtel de Ville in Reims, France, has served various purposes over the centuries, including housing a museum, city archives, and city council meetings, before being reduced to only municipal services today.
Hôtel de Ville, Reims
Place du Forum Reims
Sight A historic square, Place du Forum Reims occupies the site of the ancient Roman forum, with a central cryptoportique and a mix of commercial and public spaces. Reminiscent of its Middle Ages past, the square features Art Deco buildings and a public fountain.
Place du Forum Reims
Cryptoportique de Reims
Sight A cryptoporticus is a subterranean gallery, built around 100 AD, that was part of the Roman forum in Reims. It features a U-shaped design, with vaulted ceilings and pillars, and originally had loges with decorated stucco walls.
Cryptoportique de Reims
Musée Le Vergeur
Museum A museum-hotel in Reims, France, combining two 13th-century and 16th-century buildings, it features Gothic windows, Renaissance architecture, and a collection of artworks from across the world, including 50 Albrecht Dürer prints.
Musée Le Vergeur
Immeuble, 15 place Royale
Immeuble, 15 place Royale
Place Royale
Sight A bronze statue of King Louis XV stands at the center of Place Royale, commissioned by the city from sculptor Jean-Baptiste Pigalle and inaugurated in 1765.
Place Royale

About this Tour ℹ

Walking time
17 min
Average Rating
🇧🇪 (nl-BE)

Audio preview 🔊

Listen to a snippet of the audio for the sight Place du Forum Reims to get a feel for the tour.

Tour map 🗺

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