Discover our walking tours in lisboa

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Tours in lisboa, portugal

Welcome to Lisboa, the charming Portuguese capital! As you arrive, you'll notice the city's unique layout, built on seven hills, with a mix of elegant squares and broad avenues, and quaint, winding streets.

Explore the historic Alfama district, where you'll find the Castle of São Jorge, a testament to the city's rich history. The contrast between modern and traditional is palpable, from the luxurious hotels to the cozy, hidden restaurants and bars. Take a ride on one of the iconic, tiny trams that snake through the city streets, or hop on the efficient metro network. Discover the city's Golden Age, marked by the Age of Discovery, and marvel at the stunning architecture, like the Tower of Belém. Despite its tumultuous past, Lisboa is a city that wears its history proudly, with a warm, welcoming atmosphere that will make you feel right at home.
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